
The Cambridgeshire Residents Group (CRG) was established to campaign against the implementation of a congestion charge in Cambridge. This is an apolitical grass-roots movement that has brought together citizens from across Cambridge and the shire. While the CRG works together with other groups and individuals who oppose the congestion charge, we maintain our independence from all other organisations. Nor are we affiliated with a political party.

To date, all members of the CRG have met and been recruited via social media outlets and word of mouth. The only membership requirements for individuals who have joined our Facebook Page, Cambridgeshire Residents Group—against the congestion charge, agree they are against the implementation of this tax and agree to follow the community standards within our page on said platform. As of the writing of this constitution there are no membership fees, but donations for marketing materials and legal fees have been collected during our campaign efforts. This is a dynamic group and as such its goals are evolving as the campaign progresses. Our main efforts have been focused on spreading the word on this regressive tax, urging our neighbours to write to their councillors, and organising rallies in the city and small events at local pubs to further these efforts.

Because this is an entirely volunteer-led operation, there is a loose committee structure with members coming and going based on their levels of involvement and the stage of projects with which they are engaged. Every 6 months, the leadership structure is revisited, and new officers are elected by the most actively involved members at that time. If there is disagreement with a particular issue, the majority vote leads.

Full committee meetings are held in accordance with need based on active initiatives such as rallies, or updates regarding ongoing communications initiatives. Finances are managed by the treasurer with the secretary and one additional officer also having authorisation to make payments on outstanding invoices for services and goods rendered.

Group members are respectfully asked to be mindful that individuals campaigning against the implementation of this charge come from a variety of age brackets, socio-economic backgrounds, physical abilities, and political persuasions. However, we all share the main objective of demanding this charge be reconsidered through democratic processes and encouraging alternative fund-raising efforts that are carried more fairly by tourists, developers, larger businesses and organisations—and not on the backs of residents who live and work in Cambridge.