Thousands join November rally against the Cambridge Congestion Charge

Police estimate around 2,000 marched

Showing opposition to the Greater Cambridge Partnership (GCP) proposal to tax all motorised vehicles, a rally was held on Sunday, 27th November 2022. Hundreds gathered to march through the streets of Cambridge with shopkeepers and residents cheering them on as protesters converged on Parker’s Piece. Speakers included the leader of the Mill Road Traders Association, Shapour Meftah, a local business owner, Neil McKay, South Cambridgeshire MP, Anthony Browne, and everyday residents including a taxi driver, parents and volunteers. Many of those showing support shared that this was their first-ever rally, with people from all walks of life representing Cambridgeshire. The a-political nature of the crowd was also clear with voters ranging from the Green Party, Labour and Lib-Dem to Conservative.

Support for improved transport, but not at the expense of another

Many protesters use several modes of transport, some not using cars at all. What is clear to many is that this proposal is a regressive tax, hitting the least well-off members of our community the hardest, in particular, residents who have been priced out of central Cambridge where walking and cycling are less accessible modes of transport. Those with mobility issues who aren’t eligible for a blue badge, and others making complex journeys such as parents or small business owners feel they are being unfairly targeted to pay for a proposed bus system from which they cannot benefit. When a 10-minute car commute turns into a 50-minute bus commute for a time-poor shift worker, parent or neighbour, people need to think beyond their situation and consider that what works for them may not work for everyone else.


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